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A selection of books we have read and found helpful

Dedeker Winston

A great starting point for non-monogamy and issues around all types of relationships. Written by the co-host of one of our favourite podcasts, Multiamory. Whilst some of the content is particularly aimed at women, the vast majority is totally relevant for everybody.

Pepper Mint

An interesting take on non-monogamy for "men into women", looking at particular issues that men face in non-monogamy and raising awareness of some key issues.

Jessica Fern

A fascinating look at attachment theory through the lens of non-monogamy

Janet Hardy, Dossie Easton

Another non-monogamous classic, full of great advice for anybody interested in practicing non-monogamy, and with interesting chapters for those in any kind of relationship, including monogamy.


A selection of other resources we have found particularly helpful


We have found RADAR meetings to be extremely helpful in navigating any kind of committed relationship. Listen to this episode, download the guide and give them a try for yourself! 


The "Triforce of Communication" is a great way to think about conscious communication. People tend to communication for one of three main reasons: information, support or advice. Learn more about these 3 key elements to communication in this great episode.

Friends of the Unlabelled Group

If you need some further help or information on issues you are experiencing in your relationships, there are some great professionals in Vienna and elsewhere who may be able to help you on a one-on-one basis. Feel free to contact them and see if their services are relevant for you,

Elisabeth Rieder


Beziehungen mit geliebten Menschen laufen nicht immer harmonisch und reibungslos. Wenn wir
einander nahekommen, können wir nicht verhindern, dass einer die Gefühlsknöpfe des anderen
drückt. Noch komplexer und intensiver wird dies, wenn wir in Beziehung mit mehreren Menschen
leben. In der Beziehungsberatung geht es darum, die Qualität des menschlichen Zusammenlebens zu
verbessern. Wenn der Alltag zunehmend zur Herausforderung wird, rückt eine Frage in den
Vordergrund: Wie können wir wieder mehr Verständnis für- und Verbindung zueinander schaffen?
Als diplomierte Lebens- und Sozialberaterin höre ich aktiv zu und begegne euch wertschätzend,
empathisch und urteilsfrei; diese Qualitäten sind die Basis für ein Gespräch auf Augenhöhe.
In meiner Wiener Praxis habe mich vor allem auf Polyamorie & offene Beziehungen spezialisiert.
Dabei begleite ich polyamor lebende Menschen im Einzel- und/oder Mehrpersonensetting; meine
Praxis bietet bis zu 7 Personen Platz.
Weitere Themen, mit den du bei mir gut aufgehoben bist: Grenzen setzen, Entscheidungsfindung & Entscheidungsfähigkeit, Work-Life-Balance sowie Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Beratungen sind in
Deutsch und Englisch möglich.


Relationships with our loved ones don't always go smoothly. As we grow closer, it's almost inevitable that we'll push each other's buttons at times. This can become even more complex and intense when we're in relationships with multiple people.
That's where relationship counseling comes in - to help improve the quality of our interactions and relationships. When day-to-day life becomes a challenge, the question we're all faced with is how to create more understanding and connection with each other.
As a certified life and social counselor, I approach you with active listening, respect, empathy, and an open mind. These qualities form the cornerstone of a level-headed, equal-footing conversation.
In my practice based in Vienna, I specialize in polyamory and open relationships, providing support to polyamorous individuals and multi-person dynamics. My practice has the capacity to accommodate up to 7 people. Other areas where I can be of help include setting boundaries, decision making, work-life balance, and personal development. I offer counseling services in both German and English.


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